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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL | Hanlon Law

Stand Your Ground Statute Lawyer in Orlando, FL

The “Stand Your Ground” statute in Florida is a law that provides individuals with the right to use deadly force in self-defense when they believe they are facing an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm. This law was first enacted in 2005 and has been the subject of much debate and controversy in the years since. If you were in a situation where you felt the need to defend yourself by using deadly force, you might be able to use the Stand Your Ground statute as a defense. The statute is based on the idea that individuals have the right to defend themselves and their property without having to retreat from a dangerous situation. The lawyers at Hanlon Law have experience using this statute and provide an aggressive defense of your freedom. 

Defining the Stand Your Ground Statute 

The Stand Your Ground Law, can be found in Florida Statutes 776.012 and 776.013. The law states that an individual has the right to stand their ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if they reasonably believe that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to themselves or another person as long as they are in a place where they have the right to be. This means that if a person is confronted with a potentially life-threatening situation, they are allowed to use deadly force to defend themselves without first attempting to retreat, as they have a reasonable belief that they are in danger. The law applies to a wide range of situations, including conflicts that occur in public places, as well as homes, businesses, or vehicles. The law provides immunity from criminal prosecution and civil liability for individuals who use deadly force in self-defense as long as they act within the scope of the law. 

However, the law also specified that individuals who initiate the use of force, who are engaged in illegal activity, and who intentionally provoked the other party are not protected by the Stand Your Ground law. The law also does not protect those using deadly force against a law enforcement officer acting in the performance of their official duties. Additionally, the law does not provide automatic immunity and can still be subject to investigation and prosecution if there is evidence that the individual’s use of force was not legally justified. 

The Stand Your Ground law in Florida has been the subject of much controversy and debate, with some arguing that it provides individuals with greater protection in self-defense situations. In contrast, others believe that it has resulted in an increase in gun violence and made it more difficult to hold individuals accountable for using deadly force inappropriately. Despite the controversy surrounding the Stand Your Ground law, it continues to be widely supported in Florida by residents and has been used as a model for similar laws in other states. Proponents of the law argue that it provides individuals with the right to protect themselves and their families when facing a serious threat and helps reduce crime by deterring potential attackers. 

Defend Your Future with a Skillful Criminal Defense Attorney in the Orlando Area

Florida's Stand Your Ground law remains a controversial and divisive issue, with opponents arguing that it leads to an increase in justifiable homicides, while proponents say that it is necessary to protect the rights of individuals who are defending themselves. The law continues to be used as a defense in criminal cases, and it can be a solid defense when appropriately applied. It is vital to the outcome of your case to have a skilled gun crime defense attorney with experience using the Stand Your Ground statute and advocating on your behalf. The lawyers at Hanlon Law are extremely knowledgeable on this statute and provide robust defenses to those accused of aggravated assault, battery, manslaughter, and similar crimes. We investigate the circumstances of all our clients' arrests along with the prosecution's evidence against them and any other factors that may impact the outcome of their charges. We understand the weight of the charges you face and are committed to protecting our client's rights. 

If you wish to learn more at Florida's Stand Your Ground Law,
contact Hanlon Law to schedule a consultation to discuss your charges and hire an Orlando-based drug criminal defense attorney today.

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