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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL | Hanlon Law

White Collar Crimes Lawyer in Orlando, FL

White collar crimes have become a growing concern in Florida in recent years. These types of crimes involve nonviolent, financially motivated offenses that professionals typically commit, such as business executives, bankers, and government officials. White collar crimes can have a significant impact on the economy and can lead to financial losses for individuals and businesses. The attorneys at Hanlon Law have insight on white collar crimes and defense. Our lawyers will assist you and advocate for your defense during your legal battle. 

Types of White Collar Crimes 

Fraud is one of the most common types of white collar crime in Florida. This can take many forms, such as insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, and investment fraud. In insurance fraud, an individual may submit false claims in order to receive payouts from their insurance company. Mortgage fraud involves misrepresenting information on a loan application in order to obtain a mortgage. Investment fraud, also known as securities fraud, occurs when an individual or company makes false statements or fails to disclose important information in order to deceive investors.

Another type of white collar crime that occurs in Florida is embezzlement. This happens when an individual who has been entrusted with money or property steals it for their own personal gain. This type of crime often occurs within businesses or organizations, where employees may have access to company funds or assets. Embezzlement can be challenging to detect, and it can cause significant financial losses for the victim.

Money laundering is also a common white-collar crime in Florida. This involves taking money that was obtained through illegal means and disguising its origin so that it appears to be legitimate. Money laundering can be used to finance criminal activities or to hide assets from law enforcement or tax authorities.

In addition to these types of crimes, there are also several other white collar crimes that occur in Florida. These include bribery, extortion, and computer crimes. Bribery occurs when an individual offers money or gifts in exchange for favors or preferential treatment. Extortion involves using threats or intimidation to obtain money or property from someone else. Computer crimes involve using technology to commit crimes, such as hacking into computer systems or stealing personal information.

Penalties for White Collar Crimes 

The penalties for committing white collar crimes in Florida can be severe. Depending on the type and severity of the crime, individuals may face fines, prison time, and restitution to victims. For example, individuals convicted of securities fraud may face fines of up to $5 million and up to 20 years in prison. Embezzlement of more than $100,000 can result in a first-degree felony charge, which can carry a prison sentence of up to 30 years.

Defense Strategies for White Collar Crimes 

Defending against white collar crime charges can be complex, as these types of crimes often involve complex financial transactions and a large amount of evidence. However, there are several defense strategies that can be employed in these cases:

  1. Lack of Intent: Many white collar crimes require that the defendant had a specific intent to commit the crime. For example, in cases of fraud, the defendant must have knowingly made false statements or representations in order to deceive others. One defense strategy is to argue that the defendant lacked the required intent to commit the crime. This could be done by showing that the defendant made a mistake, did not understand the consequences of their actions, or did not intend to defraud anyone.
  2. Lack of Knowledge: Another defense strategy is to argue that the defendant did not have knowledge of the crime. For example, in cases of money laundering, the defendant may argue that they did not know that the money they were handling was the proceeds of illegal activity. This defense strategy may be effective if the defendant can demonstrate that they were unaware of the criminal nature of their actions.
  3. Insufficient Evidence: Finally, a common defense strategy in white collar crime cases is to argue that there is insufficient evidence to support the charges. This could involve challenging the admissibility of certain evidence, attacking the credibility of witnesses, or arguing that the prosecution has not met their burden of proof.

In conclusion, defending against white collar crime charges requires a careful analysis of the evidence and a thorough understanding of the law. Some common defense strategies include arguing lack of intent, lack of knowledge, entrapment, coercion, mistake of fact, and insufficient evidence. A skilled criminal defense attorney can evaluate the specific circumstances of a case and develop a defense strategy that is tailored to the individual needs of their client.

Consult the Expertise of a White Collar Crime Defense Lawyer 

White collar crimes are a severe problem in Florida and can significantly impact individuals and businesses. These crimes can take many forms, including fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. The penalties for committing these crimes can be severe, including fines, prison time, and restitution. To protect themselves from becoming victims, individuals and businesses should be vigilant and take steps to prevent these types of crimes from occurring. The Hanlon Law attorneys have successfully represented those in the Orlando area accused of white collar crimes. We have a vast knowledge of our area's judges, prosecutors, and investigators and use this information to form robust defense strategies. 

If you are facing charges for a white collar crime in the Orlando area,
contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today to protect your future.

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