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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL | Hanlon Law

Student Legal Services

While at college, young people have the opportunity to learn about themselves and explore their newfound freedom. While testing their new independence, young adults can cross the line of what is legal and get charged with a crime. Frequently when college students are involved in a crime, it reflects one instance of bad judgment. Our Orlando college crime attorneys at Hanlon Law provide student legal services and understand your fears of being convicted for a crime as a college student. We know that an arrest has the potential to affect your academic status, scholarships, eligibility for federal student loans, and future career goals. 

Common College Student Arrests 

There are many potential criminal charges a college student can face; however, some are more common than others. Here is a list of common offenses college students may be arrested for. 

Assault and Battery 

Arguments often occur between college students, usually under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Sometimes these arguments turn into physical fights, and battery charges may follow depending on the severity of the fight. There are varying degrees of assault and battery charges that can be found in Florida Statute 784. Even simple battery is a first-degree misdemeanor that can result in up to a year in jail and $1,000 in fines. Many people do not realize you can even face assault charges for the threat of violence. Battery charges do not look good on a criminal record. It is essential to contact an attorney if you meet these charges to help mitigate them or have your criminal record cleared. 

Drug Charges 

It is not uncommon for young adults to experiment with drugs while in college. However, arresting illegal drug usage or sale has heavy consequences. Florida Statute 893 states, “ a person may not sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or to deliver a controlled substance.” Prescription pills and over-the-counter drugs are no exception. Breaking this statute can result in significant jail time, along with the possibility of probation and expensive fines. You are also likely to get in trouble with your university and face suspension or worse. 

Driving Under the Influence

There are various types of DUIs under Florida Statute 316, including marijuana DUI, felony DUI, low blood alcohol content DUI, and high blood alcohol content DUI. If a police officer suspects you have been driving under the influence of any illegal substance or have a blood alcohol content of .08 or more, they can have you arrested and jailed. A DUI conviction can result in the loss or suspension of your driver's license, pricy fines, probation, and possible jail time for multiple convictions. 

Sexual Assault Charges 

Unfortunately, sexual assault cases are typical across college campuses. The impact of a conviction for a sex-related crime can be life-altering. Florida Statute 794.011 defines sexual battery as "oral, anal, or female genital penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or female genital penetration of another by any other object." Those who are arrested for sexual battery face jail time, dependent on the circumstances of the crime, fines, probation, and having to register as a sex offender. Being on the state and the National Sexual Offender Registry will significantly impact an individual's life as it will affect their ability to get a job and be a community member. 

Criminal Record Expungement and Sealing

It can be challenging to get a job or have a successful future when there is an arrest on your criminal record. Fortunately, in the state of Florida, you can have a prior arrest removed from your record by having it sealed. The process of sealing your record is quite complicated without an experienced attorney's assistance. Criminal record expungement is done on a case-by-case basis; however, a few conditions must be met to have your record sealed. Including: 

  • You have never had your criminal record sealed previously 
  • You are not currently on probation 
  • You have never been found guilty of a previous crime as an adult or minor 
  • Your crime is not on the list of those not eligible for sealing

Contact a Student Lawyer Today 

It is an upsetting tragedy when a promising young college student’s future is in jeopardy after an arrest. Suppose you are a college student or the parent of a college student who is either being investigated for committing a crime or has been arrested for doing so. In that case, you must contact an attorney immediately. At Hanlon Law, we work aggressively to protect the future of all our clients. We know the Orlando court systems and judges and use this to your advantage. Our lawyers use their valuable experience to mount the most vigorous possible defense in your favor. 

Don’t risk your or your child’s future;
contact the lawyers at Hanlon Law today!

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