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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL | Hanlon Law

Firm Overview

Orlando Lawyers Helping People Accused of Crimes

People accused of crimes often worry that they will inevitably be convicted, but there are numerous steps between a charge and a guilty verdict, and many defendants can avoid convictions. Determining what defenses are available and the best manner to proceed in criminal matters can be complicated, though, and it is prudent for people charged with crimes to retain an experienced attorney. If you are the subject of a criminal investigation or were charged with a crime, the assertive Orlando criminal defense lawyers of Hanlon Law can assist you in developing a strategy designed to help you seek a favorable result. We frequently defend people charged with drug offenses, sex crimes, violent crimes, and theft in Orlando and other cities throughout Florida.

Criminal Defense

In criminal cases, the prosecution bears the burden of proof. In other words, it must establish each element of the charged offense beyond a reasonable doubt, and if it cannot, the fact finder should determine the defendant is not guilty. The prosecution cannot compel a defendant to testify or make statements that could be used against them, as the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects people from self-incrimination. Criminal defendants have the right to offer a defense, but they are not obligated to do so.

Drug Crimes

Florida law prohibits people from making, selling, or possessing certain drugs, like cocaine, GHB, heroin, Fentanyl, and ecstasy. If a person is stopped with illicit substances in their possession, they may face criminal charges; if the amount they are caught with is substantial, they could be charged with drug trafficking. Drug offenses can result in lengthy prison sentences, and it is smart for anyone charged with a drug offense to speak to a Orlando criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Sex Crimes

Sex crimes include rape, sexual misconduct, traveling to meet a minor, child pornography offenses, lewd and lascivious crimes, prostitution, and sexual battery. A conviction for a sex crime can result in a long prison sentence and mandatory registration as a sex offender, which can permanently impair a person’s rights, reputation, and career prospects. Charges do not automatically lead to a conviction, though, and there are often one or more defenses a person charged with a sex crime can assert.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes are those that either cause bodily injury or place the victim in fear of such injury. Aggravated battery, aggravated assault, rape, robbery, and murder are all violent crimes, with murder being the most serious offense. Generally, if a person is charged with murder, the prosecution has to establish that they had pre-established intent or killed the victim while committing a felony, and if it cannot, the defendant should be found not guilty.

Domestic Violence

Spouses, former spouses, people related by blood or marriage, and people who live or used to live together as a family are considered to have household or family relationships. Certain behavior involving people in a family or household relationship can lead to domestic violence charges. For example, battery, sexual assault, assault, kidnapping, stalking, or false imprisonment may be charged as domestic violence offenses if the victim and defendant have a family or household relationship.

Theft Crimes

Under Florida law, theft crimes involve the knowing and unlawful taking of someone else’s property, with the intent to use it for your own benefit or permanently take it out of the owner’s possession. Theft crimes are typically charged as petit theft or grand theft, depending on the value of the allegedly stolen property. As such, defendant may be able to get the charges against them reduced by arguing that the prosecution overvalued the property.

White Collar Crimes

Crimes that involve theft or deception of another person’s money are often referred to as white-collar crimes. For example, embezzlement, bribery, counterfeiting, and Ponzi schemes are all white-collar crimes. Prosecutors take white-collar crimes very seriously and persecute offenders to the full extent of the law, which may include seeking enhanced penalties pursuant to the Florida White Collar Crime Victim Protection Act.


DUI charges can arise from the suspected operation of a vehicle with a blood-alcohol level of 08.% or higher or while under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that it causes impairment. The penalties for DUI crimes can include imprisonment, fines, license suspension, and the compulsory installation of an ignition interlock. Typically, the consequences increase with each subsequent DUI conviction.

Consult a Seasoned Criminal Defense Attorney Today

A criminal conviction can irreparably alter a person’s life, but not all charges result in a guilty verdict. If you are charged with a criminal offense, it is in your best interest to consult an attorney. At Hanlon Law, our seasoned Orlando criminal defense lawyers are skilled at helping people charged with crimes fight to protect their rights, and if we represent you, we will advocate zealously in your favor. We have an office in Orlando and additional offices in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, and Bradenton. You can contact us through our online form or by calling us at 727.289.0222 to set up a confidential and free consultation.

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