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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Burglary Involving a Firearm Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Burglary is a severe crime that is taken seriously by law enforcement and prosecutors in the state of Florida. However, when a firearm is involved, the charges are elevated. It can be daunting to face these charges. In order to adequately combat these charges, you should contact an experienced burglary involving a firearm defense lawyer. The attorneys at Hanlon Law have vast experience helping those accused of crimes in the Orlando area. We provide our clients with expert defense strategies and a commitment to proving their innocence. 

Definition of Burglary Involving a Firearm 

Burglary involving a firearm is when someone enters a dwelling, structure, or conveyance with the intent to commit a crime while carrying a firearm. A firearm can be any type of gun, including a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other type of weapon that is capable of causing serious injury or death. 

To be charged with burglary involving a firearm, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused entered the property with the intent to commit a crime and was carrying a firearm at the time of the defense. 

Penalties for Burglary Involving a Firearm 

In Florida, burglary involving a firearm is a first-degree felony. The penalties for this crime are severe and can include up to life in prison, fines of up to $10,000, and for probation of up to 30 years. 

The severity of the penalties depends on the specific circumstances of the case. For example, if the firearm was discharged during the commission of the crime, the penalties will be even more severe. Additionally, if someone was injured or killed during the commission of the crime, the accused could be charged with additional crimes, such as assault or homicide. 

Defenses to Burglary Involving a Firearm Charges 

If you are facing burglary involving a firearm charges in Florida, it is essential to take these charges seriously. The penalties for this crime are severe and can have a significant impact on your life. The first thing you should do is contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. Your attorney will be able to review the specifics of your case and determine the best defense strategy for your situation. 

If you are facing burglary involving a firearm charges in Florida, there are several defenses that may be available to you. These include: 

  1. Lack of Intent: The prosecution must prove that the accused entered the property with the intent to commit a crime. If the accused did not have this intent, they cannot be charged with burglary involving a firearm. 
  2. Lack of Knowledge: The accused may not have known that they were carrying a firearm at the time of the offense. If they did not know, they cannot be charged with burglary involving a firearm. 
  3. Self-Defense: If the accused used the firearm in self-defense, they may have a valid defense to the charges. 
  4. Illegal Search and Seizure: If the firearm was obtained through an illegal search and seizure, it may be inadmissible in court. 
  5. Mistaken Identity: If the prosecution cannot prove that the accused was the person who committed the crime, they cannot be convicted of burglary involving a firearm. 
  6. Insufficient Evidence: The defendant may argue that there is insufficient evidence to prove that they committed the crime. The prosecution must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, and if they cannot do so, the accused cannot be convicted. 

It is important to note that each case is unique, and the defense strategy that is best for one case may not be the best for another. 

Protect Your Future with a Orlando Criminal Defense Lawyer 

Burglary involving a firearm is a significant crime in Florida that can result in major penalties. If you are facing these charges, it is vital to seek the help of a practiced criminal defense attorney. The lawyers at Hanlon Law are dedicated to representing those accused of burglary involving a firearm in the Orlando area. Our attorneys will investigate the circumstances of your arrest, police evidence against you, and any other factors that may help in forming a solid defense strategy in your favor. 

If you are facing burglary involving a firearm charge in Orlando, Florida,
contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today to defend your rights.

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