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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Meth Charges Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Crystal methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, is a street drug that powerfully stimulates the central nervous system as it is smoked, snorted, or injected. Meth is a neurotoxin, meaning it can cause short and long-term changes in the brain that results in possible physical decline and cognitive impairment in those who illegally use it. It is efficiently manufactured from inexpensive ingredients such as over-the-counter cold medications containing pseudoephedrine. 

There are a variety of crystal meth charges one may face in Florida, including possession, manufacture, or trafficking, that all have serious repercussions. Contacting a lawyer immediately upon being investigated or arrested for charges involving crystal meth is vital. The attorneys at Hanlon Law have dealt with numerous drug crime cases and are ready to advocate for the best results throughout the legal process. 

Possession of Meth Charges 

Under Florida Statute 893.13, possessing less than 14 grams of methamphetamine without a valid prescription is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison, 5 years probation, and a $5,000 fine. If you are convicted of meth possession, the Florida DHSMV will also revoke your driver’s license for one year. 

Meth Trafficking Charges 

Florida Statute 893.135 defines the crime of meth trafficking as when a person knowingly possesses, sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or transports 14 grams or more of any mixture containing meth. The amount determines the minimum and maximum penalties for trafficking meth. 

  • For 14 to 28 grams of meth, the mandatory minimum prison sentence is 3 years, with a maximum sentence of 30 years and a fine of $50,000. 
  • For 28 to 200 grams of meth, the mandatory minimum prison sentence is 7 years, with a maximum sentence of 30 years and a $100,000 fine. 
  • For 200 grams or more of meth, the mandatory minimum prison sentence is 15 years, with a maximum sentence of 30 years and a fine of $250,000. 

Manufacture, Sale or Delivery Meth Charges 

Florida Statute 893 covers the manufacture, sale, and delivery of illegal substances. The statute outlines that it is illegal to sell, manufacture, or possess meth with the intent to do these things or to maintain a property on which these activities occur knowingly. The penalties for these offenses depend on the amount of substance involved and if the crime was committed in a prohibited area, such as near a school or place of worship. In general, the offense of sale, delivery, or manufacture of meth is a second-degree felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison with a possibility of up to 25 years probation or community control. Committing these offenses within 1,000 feet of a drug-free area like a school, park, church, daycare, etc., will enhance the sentence. 

Defenses to Meth Charges 

Upon hiring a meth charges defense attorney, your lawyer should investigate your case and identify the best defense to fight the charges you face. Here is a list of possible defenses that may be appropriate in meth-related charges. 

  • Temporary Possession: Your lawyer may argue the possession defense if the owner of the drugs handed you the substance for a brief moment, but it was not in fact, yours, and you exercised no control over it. For example, if someone handed you their illegal substance during a traffic stop, this defense may be applicable. 
  • Lack of Knowledge: If you were unaware that the substance in your possession was meth or that it was an illegal substance, your attorney might apply the lack of knowledge defense. 
  • Illegal Search and Seizure: Under the United States Constitution, certain police procedures may not be violated during a search and seizure. If police obtained any evidence illegally, the evidence obtained must be thrown out, and the case may be dropped. 
  • Overdose: If you were arrested for meth charges after seeking medical attention for an overdose, you are automatically immune from prosecution. In Florida, you cannot face prosecution after seeking medical attention for an overdose because any evidence obtained is inadmissible.\


Seek Legal Counsel Immediately for Your Meth Charges 

A conviction for charges involving crystal methamphetamine will significantly impact your future. Suppose you are investigated or charged for an offense relating to meth. In that case, you should contact a meth crime attorney as soon as possible. The lawyers at Hanlon Law have valuable experience defending the rights of those facing meth charges in Orlando, Florida. We are familiar with the prosecutors and courts in the areas and use this knowledge in forming strong defenses. We operate under the presumption of our clients' innocence that the law requires throughout the legal process and treat all our clients with respect. 

If you are facing meth charges in Orlando, Florida,
contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today.

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