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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Phencyclidine (PCP) Trafficking Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Drug trafficking is taken quite seriously in Florida, with severe consequences. Upon a conviction for drug trafficking, you will face a strict mandatory minimum sentence and expensive fines. Charges for drug trafficking do not only apply to large drug manufacturing operations but to anyone selling large enough amounts of an illegal substance. 

PCP Trafficking 

Phencyclidine, also known as PCP, is a hallucinogen drug, meaning it causes distortion, hallucinations, amnesia, and numbness. It is sold on the street in the form of liquid, white powder, tablets, capsules, and crystals. Florida law enforcement is tough on those who possess, transport or distribute PCP. The legal consequences for PCP trafficking are harsh. It is essential to protect your rights if you are being investigated or have been arrested for PCP trafficking by contacting a lawyer immediately. 

PCP Crimes and Penalties in Florida 

Possessing PCP in any form is a felony in Florida. The charges range from third to first-degree felony depending on the amount you were caught possessing, your intent with the drug, the conditions of your arrest, along with many other factors. 

Possession of PCP 

A conviction for possessing PCP is a third-degree felony under
Florida Statute 893. This crime is punishable by 5 years in prison, 5 years probation, a $5,000 fine, and 1-year driver’s license suspension. 

Distribution of PCP

Selling or distributing PCP is a second-degree felony punishable by 15 years in prison, 15 years probation, a $10,000 fine, and a 1-year driver’s license suspension. 

PCP Trafficking 

Anyone who is caught selling, distributing, possessing, or manufacturing more than 28 grams of PCP faces PCP trafficking charges. Trafficking PCP is a first-degree felony. The penalties for PCP trafficking are dependent on the amount found.

Amount of Morphine Imprisonment Fine
28 - 200 grams 3 year minimum $50,000
200 - 400 grams 7 year minimum $100,000
400 or more grams 15 year minimum $250,000

Penalties for PCP trafficking charges can be enhanced depending on your case circumstances, including where and to whom you sold, manufactured, or distributed the drugs. 

Defenses to PCP Trafficking Charges 

In order to prove PCP trafficking charges in Florida, a prosecutor must show beyond a reasonable doubt that: 

  • The accused had knowledge of the substance, 
  • The substance was the controlled substance that was alleged, 
  • And the substance weighed over the alleged minimum amount. 

An experienced criminal defense attorney will investigate the particular circumstances of your case in order to form the strongest legal defense to the charges you face. Here is a list of commonly used defenses an attorney may use to fight against your PCP trafficking charges. 

  • Proof of Knowledge: The prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused knowingly sold or distributed PCP in order to get a conviction. Your lawyer may attempt to demonstrate you had no knowledge that the sale of PCP was occurring in your defense. 
  • Unlawful Search and Seizure: It is common for evidence obtained in a search and seizure to be used in drug trafficking cases. If law enforcement conducted search and seizure illegally without the proper warrants, your case may be thrown out. 
  • Entrapment: Entrapment occurs when a law enforcement officer coerces you to commit a crime that you ordinarily would not have committed. If law enforcement has the quality of entrapment, the court may dismiss the charges pending against you. 
  • Substantial Assistance: In some cases, the prosecutor may talk to the court to reduce or suspend a sentence of a person convicted of PCP trafficking when they provide significant assistance in the identification, arrest, or conviction of another person who was involved in the trafficking of PCP. 

Protecting Your Future from a PCP Trafficking Conviction with Hanlon Law

Defending against drug trafficking charges can be quite difficult. The state prosecution and investigators have vast resources that can be intimidating for those facing charges. It is essential to seek resources of your own by hiring legal representation from an experienced attorney. The Orlando drug defense lawyers at Hanlon Law are ready and able to assess the circumstances surrounding your case to provide the most vigorous defense in your favor. A conviction for PCP trafficking will dramatically impact your life, and it is crucial you take action to prevent this. 

If you are facing Phencyclidine trafficking charges in Orlando, Florida, contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today.

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